Is my nose playing games?

Sometimes after a short period of time it seems as though you haven’t put any perfume on at all. You feel as though you can’t smell your own perfume, even though you may have applied a lot. Your nose isn’t faulty & neither is your perfume! Everybody can smell you, just not yourself.

Your nose is an amazing part of the body. 
Once perfume has been applied, your sense of smell becomes used to the fragrance notes & becomes desensitised. This is also known as ‘Olfactory Fatigue’

Majority of the time this occurs after prolonged exposure of the same scent. It may feel as though your scent feels weaker or that you can’t seem to smell it at all.

If you want to smell your favourite scent as if you had never smelt it ever before, I would recommend taking a short break away from it & changing to a completely different scent!